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Faire and Fest 2005

Sauerzapf Online Magazine

On August 21st Mary and Joe visited the Renaissance Faire in Bristol, Wisconsin.
On September 17th they attended Oktoberfest in Fox Valley.

About 50 miles North of us, just across the  Illinois border lies Bristol, Wisconsin. We cross over not just a state border but a time warp that transports us back a few centuries and plants us over the ocean in merrie olde England. Here's a few pictures of that journey.

Queen Elizabeth and her court preside over a joust

Mary as a renaissance woman
Check out her head jewlry and dagger

Joe awaits his next challenge at swordmanship
Joe's outfit is close to what Pancratius Sauerzapf wore in the 16th century

Celebrating Oktoberfest in Elgin, Illinois
Mary had a Spatlase wine and Joe drank Hacker-Pschor Oktoberfest Bier with a knackwurst plate.